Saturday, July 20, 2019

Phases of Habits

So a personal growth book I’m reading- The Miracle Morning for Network Marketers by Hal Elrod and Pat Patrial- discussed the phases we go through with starting new habits and it really spoke to me so I want to share some of this with you!

Phase 1- Days 1-10.  They call this the Unbearable time.  This is when it’s awful and you don’t want to.  You literally must make yourself get through this stage to have any chance of success.  It’s mind over matter. 

Phase 2- Days 11-20.  This one is called Uncomfortable.  You are starting to get used to it, but it still feels uncomfortable to do.  This is a tricky time!  You feel like you’re making strides and going to be successful and this is where many people try to reward themselves and give themselves a break.  DON’T DO IT!  It’s a trap!  It will make you feel like you’re back in the Unbearable times!

Phase 3- Days 21-30.  This is called Unstoppable.  Things are basically automatic.  Whatever routine you were trying to get into, you are there now.  It starts feeling unnatural to do your old habits.  You feel good with yourself and your decisions and it’s easier to do your new habit then the old habits. 

Think about any habits you’ve tried to change before?  Doesn’t this speak true?   Or even if you didn’t try to change- think about daylights savings time- by day 21 you’re used to the new times even though the first 10 days are a horrible mess of not knowing when to go to bed, right?

So what’s the point?  The point is, whatever your new habit you want to be- getting up in the morning, eating healthier, exercise- it’s going to be unbearable for 10 days, uncomfortable another 10, then by day 30 it’ll be a habit you’re ready to rock forever!  Aim for 30 days and don’t quit on yourself!

Blessings in health and happiness.

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