Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Hallowrunning

Bascially you're getting a food journal from me today- I'm exhausted!

I got up and had my Vitalbiome and ran with Ella

I had my Slim, Metaburn, and Fab 4 smoothie then hit the road.

It was fitting to be in my RunDisney cup because I hit the road to volunteer at the expo center for bib pickup!   Got some water but not as much as normal, but I did what I could.  I had my BioCleanse before lunch. 

For lunch they fed us sandwiches and chips.  I didn't eat all the bread but was thankful for the food. 

After I was done volunteering, I got more water and met up with some friends at the Expo for awhile.  

By the time I got home it was after 6 and Eli wanted to trick or treat so we ordered pizza and took my BioCleanse before it got here.  I forgot a picture.  I also had a banana and a fruit by the foot.  

Now Eli is out trick or treating and told me he'd get me a snickers with almonds and his dad a butterfinger, and I'm watching my show with Ella and ready to take my supplements and go to sleep!

Blessings in Health and Happiness-

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I miss my Ease....

So first things first.  I miss my Ease.  My shipment needs to get here like NOW. 

Florida isn't participating in Fall- we're back to summer weather with high heat and humidity and random storms.  This means psycho sinus/allergy symptoms. 

Early this summer I kicked my OTC sudafed and zyrtec habit with my Ease and today since I was out I had to take not only that but painkillers for the headache and cramps!!  I want my Ease back!

So food for me today was great. Slim, Vitalbiome and Metaburn first thing.  Breakfast was eggs- forgot a picture- with X-factor.  Water, water, water, Active, BioCleanse.  

Lunch was basically snack combo below- nuts, fruit and PB. 

Water, water, water and BioCleanse again.  Dinner was a huge salad and I snuck a fruit by the foot but did awesome overall and too my Balance with this meal!   

Now I'm ready for my night stuff- Probio5, Mega-x and I wish Ease :(  

Blessings in Health and Happiness-


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Pain in the......

So today I'm going to talk about cramps.  The female kind.  So if there happens to be any guys reading this.  Sorry.    I'm not going to get all National Geographic here though.  I'm going to tell you a story about my cycles.  Sorry if you aren't interested.  Maybe I'm distracting you from the fact I didn't do super on eating today ;) 

Anyways- I've always had heavy cycles and cramping.  Like call out of school for a day because of throwing up the cramps are so bad cramping.  Yay. 

Late high school, I was on the pill to regulate and keep me from bleeding to death and feeling like someone was ripping my insides out of me.  Life was good overall.  No major side effects from the pill I know of.

Got married, decided to have babies.  Had babies.  Blah blah blah.  SO anyways.  The first time I lost significant weight after having children I had a lot of breakthrough bleeding.  This can be kind of normal because the fat that makes us chubby has a lot of estrogen in it and it can play around with your cycles.  I have this every time I loose weight quickly even if it's just 5-10 pounds. 

But even with all of this- when I don't eat healthy my cramps are HORRENDOUS still.  Ugh. It's awful.  I blame my mom (love you mom) because she has always had issues similar. 

So what helps me normally?  Eating healthy, routine exercise, keeping sugar and gut health balanced and Ease.   I am REALLY missing my EASE right now.  I have been taking it for seasonal sinus issues but I realized today while I'm out of Ease and it just got shipped that it REALLY has been helping with my female issues. 

So feel free to say a prayer for me that I get through this week with minimal pain. 

So my food/exercise for today.  Supplements and run with Ella this morning.

Breakfast was eggs, homemade 3 ingredient biscuits, and jam with my X-factor. 

Water, water, water and BioCleanse.  I think I did an Active in there somewhere.  Lunch was on the road for Eli's doctor appointment- I'm sad to say a McDonald's fish sandwich was what I had.  I can still taste the salt.  
Water, water, water, BioCleanse.  I made a "brownie" from the Plexus site for a snack.  It was good, but was nothing like a brownie.  

Water, water, and dinner was chicken baked in soup with broccoli and pasta.  It tasted good.  I Balanced it.  

So now I'm ready for my bedtime supplements and bed!

Blessings in Health and Happiness-

Monday, October 28, 2019

Decent day, not perfect, but better.

Started this morning with a Vitalbiome, Slim and Metaburn.  I'm getting into a good habit with this combo!

Next up- run.  Ella punked out, so I was by myself. 

Breakfast when I got back was some eggs and pineapple with my X-factor.  I'm temporarily out of Ease :(  

Water, water, Active, BioCleanse.  Mid-morning snack popcorn courtesy of Eli. 

Lunch was a weird pieced together bunch of stuff.  More popcorn, pineapple and a protein bar.  

Lots more water, BioCleanse and then I started snacking.  Our church group is later than normal dinner and I was hungry.  Honestly- I should have just ate earlier because it would have been less overall.   I had a cheese stick, 3 turkey snack sticks (not pictured), some gushers, and one rice crispie treat.  

Before Dinner I took my balance and we had Taco Casserole.  I added a bunch of extra lettuce to mine. 

Then dessert of vegan rice crispie treats.  

So not the best choices in the world- but overall not too bad.  Better than the last few days, so I'm getting back on track.  Just need a few more veggies and a little less processed.

For the Last 90 day challenge- the next 30 days I will be giving up dairy.  Some days that will be easy, other days hard.  But I'm looking forward to it because it's inflammatory anyways and it'll help with the weight loss goals!

Time for my Probio5, Mega-x and some book time before bed.

Blessings in Health and Happiness-

Sunday, October 27, 2019


Ever tried something, did a really bad job at it, know you're doing bad at it, and then get upset at yourself for not doing better? 

That's this week's results.  I didn't even take a picture.  Up 3 pounds, 1/2 inch on waist, and 1/2 inch on hips.  Ugh. 

I know exactly why too.  You could too if you flip through the last few days of food.  Not enough veggies and high nutrient food, too much crap.   Pizza, breakfast pizza, muffins, candy. 

Today wasn't much better.  Breakfast pizza, muffins, pasta, pizza. 

So here I sit, feeling bloated and disappointed in myself.  And you know what?  That's okay!

Huh?  It's okay.  Yes.  I'm very disappointed in myself, but it actually makes me think of where I'm trying to go.  Where I want to be.  And I want to get their a realistic, long term way.   You don't wake up one day just healthy.   We have too many habits that we have to break, change and improve.  

So where am I trying to go?  It's not a size or a number on the scale.  My goal is to get to a whole foods diet with the exception of one time a week life my life to the fullest cheat meal.  That's where I want to be.  And the only person in my way is me.  

Rachel Hollis- my BFF although she doesn't know me- says "just eat the dang salad" and she's 100% right.  We spend too much brain power trying to make deals, talk ourselves into stuff, and thinking life has to have amazing variety and changes of flavor.   It doesn't.  We need fuel for our bodies.  Period.  When we over think we fail.  Always.   I wanted that breakfast pizza because it's so good.  But you know what's not good?  The crash a few hours later from the carbs.  The bloating that my BioCleanse only helps a little with.  You know what would have been better?  Eggs.  Spinach.  Fruit.  Doesn't sound spectacular, but I don't have recover from it.  

So that's where I'm going.  And this week I started walking down the wrong road.  Next week I'm going to go down the right road and going to be proud of my pictures.  

Blessings in Health and Happiness-

PS- took all my normal Plexus stuff today.  Bad eating day means you need your sugar balanced and gut repaired even more!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pass on pancakes, but give me pizza.

Come one, come all to the Celebration Pancake run!  Today is the day.  This race I typically use to try to get good proof of time for Disney runs (Proof of time, of POT is used for corral placement in 1/2 marathon or greater races- the faster you go, the closer to the front you are).   I have been training, but not at my personal best which was my original goal.  Here's all my junk for getting ready:

So first I took my Vitalbiome, Slim and Metaburn in the morning before leaving with a big glass of water.    I also had my protein bar because it would be another hour before going and I wanted some fuel before running.

The race was awful.  I mean, it's always a good run program, but it was hot, humid and no breeze.  I debated taking my water belt, I didn't and I really should have.  Ugh.  But we finished with medals and I did decent and Heather got a good time for her Disney run that she will do in the Spring.  She said her mantra was "Do it for Star Wars Runs".

Afterwards I grabbed the tiny piece of banana they gave me and although it's against my Last 90 Day resolution I drank a glass of OJ (not pictured) because I needed it without more banana.

We ran some errands very stinky before heading home in my now stinky car. I also drank my Active as my recovery drink.   I had a full banana then when I got home!  Best banana I've ever had in my life!

After cleaned up I took my BioCleanse and went to the store to get a few things including blueberry muffins one of which I needed to eat NOW, and a salad I forgot to take a picture of.  That was lunch.  So good!

Then I fought with Eli about doing school work while I applied to a couple of jobs, did some editing on Ella's book, and read my book.   Water, water, water, and more BioCleanse.  I might have accidentally ate another muffin.

I told Lyle I wasn't cooking for dinner- so we ordered Pizza.  Well, I didn't eat pancakes this morning...and I got veggies on it, so it's okay, right? 

I'm ready to go to bed, but someone brought me a snickers with I'm going to eat that before taking my supplements (probio5, Mega-X and Ease) and tuck into bed.

Blessings in Health and Happiness-

Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday feelings....

Today was a day of confusion, excitement and gratitude.
Got up, had my Vitalbiome, Pink Drink and Metaburn. 

Ran with Ella this morning.  I really wanted to run more to work through some feelings and issues. 

The main issue being I very likely won't have my current job after January 1st.  Unless a hospital system buys the clinics, I will be searching for a new job.  The hardest part is I really, really like my job.  The flexibility works for our family.  The patients are fun, varied and usually very nice.   So now along with any other stress I already had, decisions on this front will need to be made.  

I have made some great contacts in my time working though, so my biggest concern is benefits and finding something flexible.  For some reason, despite the rest of the stress in my life I have an odd comfort about this.   I hope that it's due to prayers, gratitude and working on being centered, not that I just have so much stress I've hit my limit on it bothering me more.  

Breakfast was a protein bar and banana with my X-factor and Ease. 

Water, Active, Water, BioCleanse.  Eli and I made a snack of rice crispy treats in the shape of pumpkins!

Water and then lunch time came!  Caesar salad for me!

Water, water, snack time of sweet potato salad- yum yum!

After this we got news!  Plexus has a new perks program for ambassadors to earn free products for being loyal (Hey!  That's me!).  We also have a new collagen product!  So excited to learn more and try it out for overall health!  We also have the opportunity to buy a combo of products we love, the new collagen and get another CBD sample with it.  Lyle has been doing great with this product- so I'm definitely getting the combo.  

Dinner time came and I took my Balance and my husband took me out for a date! (kind of, Eli was there too)  We had Chili's and I had some chips with white spinach queso and then the mango-chili chicken.  

No dessert!  I'm stuffed and made good choices! Kept to my no calories drinking and only had water.  

Time for Probio5, Mega-X, Ease and some book time before bedtime!  I've got a 10k tomorrow and need to rest!

Blessings in Health and Wellness-

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stressful day and only a little stress eating.

Today has been a little bit of a stressful day.  Between venting the journey with Eli, Ella working on her PSATs, and a meeting that I don't know the resolution of but could be life altering for our family again.....

And I'm proud to report only a few bad choices!  This makes me happy since a little over a month ago I would have cleaned publix out of chocolate covered almonds, ice cream, and frozen pizza!

So after my Vitalbiome, Pink Drink and Metaburn, my breakfast was a protein bar and fruit.  X-factor and Ease with breakfast. 

Water, Water, BioCleanse.  Snack was some popcorn with Eli. 

Water and an Active to prevent energy dip today! 

Lunch was chicken flavored rice and broccoli!  Super yum!

Water, water, water and BioCleanse.  Dinner I took Balance and had sausage patties and roasted sweet potato.  

Had a snack of some goldfish crackers while pacing around the house this evening, and I had a little more pineapple too.  So not perfect, but not horrible.  About a million times better than where I've been.  I'm taking any baby step I can take, because I'm going in the right direction.  I'm growing.  I'm getting there.  

So now Probio5, Mega-X, Ease and off to bed. 

Blessings in Health and Happiness-