As many know, I'm riding the struggle bus trying to get back into my good habits that I gradually slipped out of due to stress and life. I've also struggled with moods (anxiety and depressive symptoms) that lead to negative self talk and the circle of bad habits continuing. I have some good days and some bad days and going in general in the right direction (which in my opinion trying to go somewhere even if you don't get anywhere is still further than those who don't try!).
But it's a struggle.
I was listening to a podcast the other day on nutrition and parenting differently wired kids. The nutritionist was talking about how many children who are differently wired also have nutritional deficits which make the problems worse (which I already knew and tried to change up Eli's eating habits and that was more stress added to me). Her recommendation for parents is to NOT take away any certain foods, but concentrate on adding in more nutrients. Add in new foods that have high nutrients and it'll gradually take up the space that bad foods held.
Here's the thing- Rachel Hollis has talked before about why she always has people start with adding water to their routine, because it's easier to add something than take away. I know this to be true. People are more likely to add exercise than to change their diet- and then often get mad because exercise alone won't help significantly with weight. But still....I've seen it hundreds of times. But no one (at least to me) has said out loud about doing this with food. Rachel Hollis doesn't do this with food either. She recommends restriction- but only one thing at a time so it's more attainable. Which I appreciate, but isn't working for me right now.
We worry about don't eat this- eat that instead. Why instead? To piggy back on my thoughts last week about greens. Just think about how much the world would change if we ate more greens?
Why not the first goal be eat more of something healthy?
For my last 90 days, the first 30 I gave up drinkable calories except my Plexus products. After the 30 days I had 2 sips of Pepsi that made me want to throw up it was so syrupy sweet, and a margarita which was somewhat disappointing and I haven't had more since. I honestly don't plan on having any more before the end of the year except maybe Christmas time.
The second 30 days I talked about eliminating diary, specifically cheese. That lasted until Wine and Dine (the 3rd day). Whoops. I have had less but have not been good about staying away and honestly the negative self talk is not doing me any good with beating myself up for having some and then stress eating for failing.
So. Along with what I'm already doing- trying to clean up. Trying to be more whole foods based in general. Continuing to avoid drinking calories except my Plexus products. I'm going to ADD at least 3 servings of greens daily.
This will get more nutrition in, get more fiber in, fill me up which can help snacking, and I don't have to restrict more right now when I'm not in the mental state for restriction to work.
I know this won't have major body changes quickly, but I don't want that anyway. I mean, who wouldn't like that, but that's not the point. I want to be healthy and happy. People can not be that way eating processed food, fast food all the time, and high sugar things. We need whole foods. We need vitamins and minerals. We need fuel to keep us going. But the bad stuff is addictive and quite frankly easier. So I hope this will be another positive step in the right direction, the healthy direction. One that doesn't make negative self talk take up my head-space. One that after 30 days of getting the greens I can add another thing. And as I add more good, it takes up space the bad would inhabit. That's the goal.
Blessings in Health and Happiness-
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