If so.....you are making a common mistake.
These breakfast and many of our common breakfast foods cause a spike in our blood sugar which can start us on a roller coaster all day long that leaves us feeling sluggish, craving sugar and hungry 2 hours after we eat.
When you start your day making these choices you send yourself in a hormone and sugar spiral that is difficult to stop! We need protein and good fat choices to not jump our sugars up and back down again! If you want a good read that explains the science of this cycle and the other hormones in your body, check out Kelly Leveque's book Body Love.
So, how do we fix breakfast? I have been loving following Kelly Leveque's Fab4 Lifestyle (check out the book! It's great and will explain the science behind all of it!). Simplified it's fat, protein, fiber and greens in every meal: especially breakfast!
Fat and protein keep us full, make our blood sugar curve longer because they take longer to breakdown, and give us vital nutrients and fuel for our bodies! Fiber helps your digestive tract move effectively and can also keep us fuller longer by stretching out our stomachs and triggering our hormones that we are "full". Greens (which sometimes double as fiber) are vital nutrient boosters and also can keep us feeling full. All together you can get almost everything your body needs to be healthy AND it will keep you fuller longer- goodbye unhealthy snacking and crazy cravings.
So let's pretend you usually eat yogurt- how do you change it into Fab4? Greek Yogurt is a decent source of fat and protein, but bump it up with chia seeds for fiber, some mint for greens and have a boiled egg with it. Better yet- toss it in the blender with some protein powder, spinach, flax seed, coconut oil and coconut milk for a great smoothie!
Better yet- ditch those carbs all together! Get you an omelet with spinach and avocado in it- the eggs are protein, avocado is the good fats, and spinach is fiber and greens all together! Fill yourself up with a Fab 4 or similar breakfast to get the best start possible for the day!
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Blessings in Health and Happiness!
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