Monday, May 27, 2019

7 Day Plan for weight success

7 Day Plan with recommended Plexus product times

First thing on awakening:
*Slim     *Accelerator+    *VitalBiome

Breakfast 30 minutes later:
Bowl of oatmeal with or without fresh fruit or Lean meal replacement or 2 eggs
*Metaburn        *Boost               *X-factor vitamins           *Block

Mid Morning Snack:
              Cup of almonds or piece of fruit, can add in 3 hard boiled eggs or plain oatmeal.

Drink at least 2 cups of water between meals

              Salad or greens with lean protein and complex carbs (white fish, tuna, chicken, turkey, eggs, or lean ground beef).  Sweet potato, brown rice, all bran cereal, beans.
              *Block           *Boost       *Metaburn

Drink at least 2 cups of water between meals

Mid Afternoon Snack:
              Nuts, raw veggies, or Rice cakes with natural peanut butter

              Lean protein with lightly cooked vegetables

Snack: (only if hungry)
              Bowl or piece of fruit

              *Mega-X             *Probio5

*All Plexus products are flexible- not everyone does the same schedule. If this schedule doesn’t work for any reason ask for help to make it work for you!
* It is not recommended to take Metaburn, Boost and Accelerator+ all at the same time- only one at a time for weight loss or mood properties.  These can be divided between breakfast and lunch (1 each time) or just at one meal (2 at one time)

Tips for Success
·       Drink as much water as you can! This aids in eliminating waste and will help you burn fat! Ideally at least ½ your body weight in ounces.  So if you weigh 200 lbs, you drink 100 oz which is just over 6 bottles of water (16 oz)
·       No fried foods, refined sugars, corn or white starches or bread
·       No wheat products (bread, crackers)
·       No dairy (cheese, yogurt, or milk)
·       No alcohol
·       No coffee or soda
·       Eat veggies
·       Eat fruit
·       Eat healthy fats (nuts and seeds)
·       Eat clean protein (tuna, fish, chicken)
·       Eat clean carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potato)

              White fish, salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey, eggs, egg whites, tofus, lean ground beef
              Green salad, asparagus, green beans, peppers, spinach, onions, tomatoes, salsa, eggplant, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, celery
              Sweet potato, brown rice, cooked oats, all-bran cereal, beans
Miscellaneous foods that are okay:
              Vinegars, low/no calorie dressings, sprays, flavored seasonings
Foods that help with faster results:
              Grapefruit and almonds

For best weight loss and detox results- follow this strict for 10 days, then may add restricted foods 3 day a week only. This allows for rapid weight loss and health results, but not so extreme to be unable to maintain long term.

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