Friday, May 24, 2019

Meal Prep Ideas

Last week I talked about freezer meals that I've done before and helped my family eat pretty healthy while we juggled extremely busy schedules!  This week I'm going to share more meal prep ideas that are SUPER easy to do- like, I even do them and honestly I'm kind of lazy.

This is NOT the kind of meal prep that you have these nice, organized storage containers.  My freezer NEVER looks like that.   I also don't eat the same thing every day unless it's super duper easy.  So- the message for today is what can you do EASY and make your life easier in the process?

First idea- taco meat.  Taco's are God's gift to us and we need to take advantage! 

So- when it's taco Tuesday (or Friday, or Wednesday, or Everyday...) make a BOATLOAD of taco meat. 

Last time I made 9 pounds.  I read on someone else's blog who timed it, it only took an extra 10 minutes to make 10 pounds vs. 1 pound.  I don't have time or inclination to time it- so sure, 10 minutes. 

I used all that taco meat for tacos for dinner, PLUS made 3 taco casseroles (low carb and freeze well.  We kept the cheese out because of my son's dairy allergy because those of us that want cheese can add after it's cooked), PLUS I had 2 approximately 1 pound bags of taco meat for the freezer for another taco Tuesday!

This is a case of cook once, eat 5 times.  Except one of those casseroles is going to a friend who will be having surgery- but you get the point.   

Here's a link to the taco casserole site:
It was a hit with our church group too and made good left overs. 

Second idea is chicken!  It has to be fully cooked and can take awhile- so for quick dinners pre-make a bunch and freeze into bags! 

I personally cube a bunch up and have found it's the least messy to toss in a casserole dish with oil, salt and pepper and put in the oven at 350 until done (about 30 minutes?)  

These are perfect to make into casseroles, soups, salads, or stir fry.  Stir fry is my favorite because it's SOOOOO easy.  Bag of frozen chicken, bag of frozen stir fry veggies- cook until hot with some oil and soy sauce (or preferred flavoring- I have been using Coconut Aminos because there's no soy in it and WAY less salt!)

I have a picture of stir fry too- but it's shrimp!  Keeping some frozen cooked shrimp in the freezer does the same thing!  

And here's part of my mess of a freezer- don't judge- with 6 bags of frozen chicken with the taco meat.  Those 6 bags are 6 chicken meals- it's about 8 cut up breasts I bought when the big packages of chicken were on sale!

While I was stocking up on chicken on the sale- I also broke down some of the packages and threw some marinade in the bags with the chicken then tossed in the freezer.  Those will need cooked but are perfect for grill night with veggies!

I hope you all liked these ideas and maybe even will spark more ideas for you!

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Blessings in Health and Happiness!

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