Like my title? So, if you haven't already noticed, when things are going well in the LeMaster household, you get daily posts! When things are stressful, my posts decrease.
Depression and anxiety are strange creatures. I mean, they aren't creatures at all. They're brain chemicals messing up your whole body. They interact throughout life and change moment to moment.
I have never napped as much as I have the last 2 weeks of January and first week of February. I can't decide if it's all the anxiety and depression, or partially because of working less so I had the opportunity?
I seriously wonder if there's something else going on other than moods and stress. Kind of hard to tell when it's all stress all the time.
We now have insurance- which means time to set up a lot of appointments. Dermatology, Allergist, Eye doctor, Psychiatrist, Neuropsychiatrist, Counseling, bloodwork and normal check ups. Some of these now have to change due to insurance benefits. Then we think we find someone covered, and they don't actually take the insurance. Not to mention the costs- copays, deductibles, not covered services.
I have a job, but don't have set hours. We have money in savings, but not much coming in. We don't qualify for aide. So while we aren't in any danger right now, it's a constant worry in the back of my head.
Eli's school work is possibly taking another turn. We have been struggling and researching different options including non-traditional routes. I know I'll get flack for doing what I'm really leaning towards right now, but I also think it's probably the best route. So I'm digging, looking into programs, looking at research, thinking outside of the box and the whole time knowing in the back of my head people will judge me and think I'm doing the wrong thing. And I'm worried about them being right.
My exercise and eating healthy is a roller coaster. Good days, bad days, just get through it all days, just screw it all days.
Overall I'm doing much better this week. Smoothies almost every day for breakfast, salads for most lunches, lots of fresh fruits and veggies for snacks. Dinners mostly meats and veggies. For valentines day we splurged with a nice meal- poor man's steak with onion/mushroom gravy (a hamburger patty with gravy and caramelized onions and mushrooms on it), roasted broccoli, roasted yellow potatoes, and sweet Hawaiian Rolls. Cheesecake for dessert. So good and a nice dinner at home.
So there's my update for now. Crazy time, crazy life, blessed but stressed. Sums it up.
Blessings in Health and Happiness-
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