Friday, October 4, 2019

Just eat the dumb salad....

One of my best days yet!
I started with a early morning run...

 Then I tackled my morning gratitude and goals with my Pink Drink and some Metaburn
I hit the road- I really need to pack the day before because I was rushing out the door!  I had lots of water on the road and grabbed my Ease and X-factor then had my breakfast of a Banana, Active and clean protein bar when I got to work.
Lots of water and some BioCleanse midmorning, then lunch came and I had my salad loaded with veggies and eggs for protein.  
A friend from work gave me a slice of cocoa I Balanced it...
Lots of water, another couple BioCleanse, and mid afternoon I wanted another Slim.  I had some downtime, so after cleaning, stocking and organizing, I listened to my girl Rachel Hollis' morning show and goal setting!  Ahhh!!  So good.  
One thing I love about Rachel is she says it straight.  You have problems? Yup. So does everyone else.  Just do what you're supposed to freaking do!  Don't want to have a salad, but want to lose weight?  Just do it. Just eat the dumb salad.  You won't have the life you want if you aren't willing to give up the life you have and that includes foods that aren't good for you!

Not that some excuses aren't valid, but they are still excuses- you can either work through them, or live in it.  You make that choice daily.

My light dinner on the way home is an apple and turkey sticks.  

And I "accidentally" finished the last of the cheesecake when I got home.  Whoops.

I took some block- so I'm considering it good.  

So not a perfect eating day, but if you would have seen what I ate a week ago- I mean last Thursday I had 2 bowls of cereal, 2 packages of noodles, freezer pizza, 3 margaritas, and another bowl of cereal.  I think this is better. 

Tonight is more water (I've had over 14 16oz bottles so far), Probio5, Ease, and Mega-x.

On to the first weekend and success!  Pictures repeated Sunday!  I can't wait!

Blessings in Health and Happiness.

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