Saturday, October 19, 2019

Things I probiotic

I'm doing an extra post today to share something I love and am passionate about- PROBIOTICS.

EVERYONE NEEDS A PROBIOTIC.  100%.  Even more than multivitamins.  Actually, much more than multivitamins.  Because if you don't have good gut health, you won't be able to absorb anything from those multivitamins and it defeats the purpose in taking them!

I, of course, LOVE my Plexus products and I will tell you a special probiotic is what sold me on the company and is my FAVORITE product.  If I could afford to, I would buy everyone I know a bottle of this.  

First off- why probiotics?  Our microbiome- the living bacteria cells that are all over us and in us.   Here's a quick 3 minute video on this- What is the Microbiome?

Okay- now that we understand we need to have healthy bacteria, or we won't be healthy and feel the effects of this in many ways, what is and why the product I love?  

Plexus Probio5

This probiotic powerhouse not only has 5 beneficial bacteria, but contains digestive enzymes and is designed to keep intestinal yeast (which can cause bunches of issues- google it) in balance.   Here is a link to the product info sheet which has references and all the deets- ProBio5 Product Info Sheet

My personal experience with other probiotics were blah.  Didn't notice a big difference.  And I think the difference was the enzymes helping to break down and digest and the yeast balance.  You could find these types of products from other companies or at specialized stores, but you would have to get multiple products!  I already take several capsules a day- but it would take 3 different ones to equal this one product!    

Plexus has another probiotic called VitalBiome which I've talked about and probably do it's own spotlight on another day.  It works a little different.  But if something happened and I had to cut down my Plexus supply to the bare essentials- Probio5 would not be leaving my hands.  Everyone in my family takes it.  It has helped us all.  And I think it needs sold in 5 gallon buckets! ;) 

I could literally talk all day about probiotics, gut health, and/or Plexus products.  When I read this post it sounds kind of superficial- like, 'hey, I love this'- without much meat or reasoning.  But on public platforms like this I have to be careful to not make medical claims, make things sound like medical advice, or not sound like probiotics treat or cure illnesses.  Please shoot me an email if you want to have an actual conversation about gut health, probiotics and/or Plexus and I'd love to tell you more!

Blessings in Health and Happiness

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