So it's been 5 days since my post and I still haven't been the best with both healthy eating or doing my food journal. I'm giving myself grace.
I shared on my Facebook wall this week my thoughts on anxiety, depression and a visual of a cup overflowing.....Here's it copied if you haven't seen it.
We often think of cup overflowing as a good thing- as in the Bible talks of cup of blessings overflowing.
But I think to use a cup analogy for anxiety/depression/mental health issues and stress.
We all have a cup. And our life stress goes into that cup. Everything good and bad. New job? Dump in there. Broke your foot? Dump in too. Got to get out of bed? Put a little more in.
Some of these stresses are just a few drops and rarely matter in the big picture. Some are huge even if they’re good.
Now, what empties the cup? Your normal coping mechanisms. Exercise, eating healthy, sleeping, music, books, movies, video games, meditation, prayer. Whatever works for you. Life isn’t always easy, but is good because it works.
Now let’s say some more stress comes, once again, good or bad. And your cup starts overflowing. Now what?
Sometimes we can pick up a few more coping things we don’t always do. Take a vacation, get a massage, have a night out with friends, vent to someone. Sometimes this works.
Sometimes, however, your other coping mechanisms stop working. You didn’t even hear the music. You read the same book page 10 times. You were so tense the massage hurt instead of feeling good. And you know what happens? You’re in a flood. The cup is just spilling everywhere with no end in sight.
This is where mental health issues like anxiety or depression or others rear their head with a vengeance. You may have some mild anxiety, but with this cup overflowing you can’t handle anything and might be freaking out about dinner for no reason. You may have some mild blues but when the cup is pouring everywhere you cry over a toy in the middle of the floor. Or go to bed wishing you don’t wake up. Not always wanting to harm yourself, but also wouldn’t be bad to not have to do “it” anymore.
When this is happening even the small pours like getting out of bed, taking a shower, brushing your teeth can be a huge undertaking because the house is flooding from the cup running over and even that drop or two makes it worse.
What do you do when the cup is flooding?? There’s no right answer there. Coping mechanisms have to happen even though it’s another chore. You have to eat healthy, exercise and get sunshine. Treat yourself like a complicated plant or pet for awhile. Medication can help add another drain spout to the cup. Therapy and counseling can help with new coping mechanisms. If you are thinking of harming yourself or others you need inpatient treatment short term to get a little out of that cup so you’re safe. If you can decrease any stress- and sometimes we can and sometimes we can’t- then do it.
Why is this on my mind? Because we have some puddles in my house from cups. Because I know some friends have puddles too. Because I know using those tools isn’t always easy, and sometimes you can’t see or know the tools unless someone says it right up front. Because while mental health is less of a stigma today, it’s also a bigger (in my opinion) problem today.
We live in an amazing technological age that is sucking our souls dry, doesn’t keep us nourished and doesn’t give us quiet time. I might not be an expert on everything, but I sure know this is right for me and many others. I hope this gives someone hope today to keep working on their cup and know they aren’t alone."
I've been struggling for months as I've chronicled here. Some days are worse than others. I've been on medication for anxiety/depression before but have been successful in staying off medication for over 5 years. This week, I finally admitted to myself fully that I need it again. My cup is pouring all over the place. I'm suffering trying to do healthy coping mechanisms because of how low I am. So I've started the medication, with the hope that come January 1st the medication will start to help so I can really hit the new year strong. Plexus is doing a New Years Challenge with Prizes and fun things- I really want to participate and do well like I did a few years ago! I want to work on being a healthier, happier me so I can be the best mom and wife I can be. I'm hoping to get some friends to do the Plexus stuff for accountability- and they have prizes for partners too if someone wins a prize. Sounds good to me! Tomorrow we'll get more information and I'll be posting more about what's going on.
Blessings in Health and Happiness-